Countdown Campaign is Happening Now!
2025 is right around the corner!
Thank you for playing DBSCG Fusion World Digital ver.!
New Year Countdown Special Missions Now On!

Now featuring "New Year Countdown Special Missions"!
Complete the missions within the time period to get up to 210 gems!
Bonus Period
December 12th, 2024, 6:00 A.M. – January 1st, 2024, 5:59 A.M. (UTC)
New Year Countdown Login Bonus Begins!

We're holding a "New Year Countdown Login Bonus"!
Log in during the bonus period to get up to 200 Gems!
Bonus Period
December 12th, 2024, 6:00 A.M. – January 1st, 2024, 5:59 A.M. (UTC)
Reward Contents
You can receive one item per day for the number of days you log in during the bonus period.
- 1st Day: Gems x10
- 2nd Day: Gems x10
- 3rd Day: Gems x10
- 4th Day: Gems x20
- 5th Day: Gems x50
- 6th Day: Gems x10
- 7th Day: Gems x10
- 8th Day: Gems x10
- 9th Day: Gems x20
- 10th Day: Gems x50
We hope you continue to enjoy the digital version of Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World.