Continuing from the previous "[TIPS] Hand Sorting", we introduce more improvements and additions in Ver.4.0.0.This time, let's take a look at the "Edit HOME" feature!
Card & Sleeve Settings on the HOME Screen
After the Ver.4.0.0 update, it's possible to set cards and sleeves other than leader cards on the HOME screen!
How to set it up
After the Ver.4.0.0 update, the "Edit HOME" option was added to the profile screen.

You can set the cards and sleeves to be displayed on the HOME screen from "Edit Card Display".

Deck Leader
The Leader card of the Deck you have set is displayed.

You can choose to display either the Front or Back of your Leader card.

Selected card
You can choose to display a card from your collection.

Selected Sleeve
You can choose to display a sleeve from your collection.

★Producer Kaneko's Most Recommended★
Here's producer Kaneko's most recommended card!

Next time, we will talk about the "Emote" feature!