[TIPS] Emote Feature
Continuing from the "[TIPS] Hand Sorting" & "[TIPS] Edit HOME", we introduce more improvements and additions in Ver.4.0.0.This time, let's take a look at the "Emote" feature!
Emote Button
After the Ver.4.0.0 update, the emote button was added under the in-battle Player Card.

Emote selection screen
You can choose from 4 types of emotes.

Emote types

Emote Display Setting
When turned ON
When set to ON, your emotes will be visible for your opponent.

When turned OFF
When set to OFF, your opponent will not see your emotes, as well as your oppnent's emotes will not be visible for you.

Setting up from OPTION menu
You can also set the emote display to ON/OFF from the Option menu.

This concludes the TIPS introductions for version 4.0.0.
We will keep upgrading the game versions, so we hope you continue to enjoy the digital version of Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World!