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  • Q286

    FB04-001 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If you only have 1 copy of FB02-015 <Android 17> in your Battle Area and you choose a Battle Card with 30000 power for the target of the [Activate Battle] skill on this card's back side, what happens to this card's power?

    Its original power becomes 30000 and its power becomes 35000 due to FB02-015 <Android 17>'s [Permanent] skill.

    Related Cards

  • Q287

    FB04-001 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If there is just 1 card in your opponent's Combo Area and it has 10000 combo power, what happens to this card's power when you choose an opponent's Battle Card with 30000 power that's in a battle for the target of the [Activate Battle] skill on this card's back side during the Defense Step of the same battle?

    The combo power hasn't been added yet, so this card's original power becomes 30000.

  • Q288

    FB04-003 Obuni

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If you play this card but don't use this card's [On Play] effect to play <Obuni>, can you then play <Obuni>?

    No, you can't.

  • Q289

    FB04-041 Videl

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If this card's [Activate Main] skill reveals a card without《Satan City》 in its special traits, can you play <Videl> for the turn?

    Yes, you can.

  • Q290

    FB04-047 Overwhelming Confidence

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Can you activate this card's [Activate Main] skill if you have 2 or fewer cards in your deck?

    No, you can't.

  • Q291

    FB04-059 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If your opponent activates [Blocker] on a Battle Card with a cost of 3 or less when you use this card to attack an opponent's Battle Card with a cost of 4 or more, does this card's [When Attacking] skill increase this card's power?

    Yes, it does. The [When Attacking] skill activates before [Blocker], therefore it applies even if the attack target is later switched.

  • Q292

    FB04-077 Majin Buu : Evil

    October 25, 2024Updated

    You use this card's front side to attack and you draw 1 card using its [When Attacking] skill. If this card Awakens in the same turn and it attacks again, can you use the back side's [When Attacking][Once per turn] skill to draw 1 card?

    Yes, you can.

  • Q293

    FB04-085 Babidi

    October 25, 2024Updated

    When your opponent has 6 cards in their hand, they use FB04-093 <Majin Buu : Evil>'s [Activate Main] skill to KO this card, and now they have 5 cards in their hand. Can you then use this card's [When KO'd] skill to make your opponent discard 1 card from their hand?

    No, you can't.

    Related Cards

  • Q294

    FB04-085 Babidi

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Your opponent used FS01-16 <God Kamehameha> when they had 6 cards in their hand, then this card was KO'd when they had 5 cards in their hand. Can you use this card's [When KO'd] skill to make your opponent discard 1 card from their hand?

    No, you can't.

    Related Cards

  • Q295

    FB04-093 Majin Buu : Evil

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Can you use this card's [Activate Main] skill to KO this card itself and activate the skill?

    Yes, you can.

  • Q296

    FB04-099 Blind Spot Absorption

    October 25, 2024Updated

    When you use this card, can you activate the two [Activate Battle] skills at the same time?

    No, you can't. When you use this card, you must specify one of the skills and then activate it.

  • Q297

    FB04-103 Super Baby 2

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Can you also use Rest Mode Battle Cards that are in a battle in your Battle Area in combos if this card is flipped to its back side?

    No, you can't.

  • Q298

    FB04-104 Great Ape Baby

    November 08, 2024Updated

    Your opponent has FB03-121 <Bardock> and FB03-108 <Giru> in their Battle Area, then you use this card to attack FB03-121 <Bardock>, and you use the [When Attacking] skill to place your opponent's FB03-108 <Giru> into the Combo Area. Does the [Auto] skill on your opponent's FB03-121 <Bardock> activate?

    Yes, it activates.

    Related Cards

    FB03-121 FB03-108
  • Q299

    FB04-104 Great Ape Baby

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If FB04-113 <Trunks : GT> in your Battle Area is chosen for this card's [When Attacking] skill and it's placed in the Combo Area, does FB04-113 <Trunks : GT>'s [Auto] skill activate?

    Yes, it activates.

    Related Cards

  • Q300

    FB04-109 Son Goku : GT

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If combo power is added to this card and its power becomes 45000 or more, can you use this card's [Permanent] skill to gain [Double Strike]?

    Yes, you can.

  • Q301

    FB04-129 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    What does "until the end of your opponent's next turn, negate the next damage you take" in this card's [On Play] skill mean, exactly?

    When you would take damage after your Leader loses a battle or from FB01-139 <Son Goku>'s [Auto] skill, etc., that damage is negated, but only once.

  • Q302

    FB04-129 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Your Leader lost a battle with an opponent's Battle Card that has [Double Strike] while this card's [On Play] skill is in effect. How much damage does your Leader take in such cases?

    The damage is negated when you lose a battle with a card that has [Double Strike], the same as when you normally take damage.

  • Q303

    FB04-129 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If this card is played again while this card's [On Play] skill is in effect, are the next 2 instances of damage negated?

    No, they aren't. Only the next single instance of damage is negated.

  • Q304

    FB04-129 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Does the [Auto] skill on FB03-001 <Jiren>'s back side activate if you take damage while this card's [On Play] skill is in effect and the damage is negated?

    No, it doesn't activate. When the damage is negated, it doesn't count as receiving damage.

    Related Cards

  • Q305

    FB04-129 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Can you activate the [Activate Battle] skill on FB03-009 <Jiren> while this card's [On Play] skill is in effect?

    No, you can't pay the skill cost, so it can't be activated.

    Related Cards

  • Q306

    FB04-130 Vegito

    October 25, 2024Updated

    What happens if this card is removed from the Battle Area while you have 0 cards in your deck?

    When this card is removed from the field, you immediately lose due to rule processing.

  • Q307

    FB04-130 Vegito

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Can you activate this card's [Activate Main] skill when you have 4 or fewer cards in your deck?

    Yes, you can. In such cases, you place as many cards from your deck into your Drop as possible.

  • Q334

    FB04-130 Vegito

    January 24, 2025Updated

    You have 0 cards in your deck and this card in play, and you don't lose the game due to the [Permanent] skill. Do you lose the game if your life becomes 0?

    Yes, you will lose the game. This card's [Permanent] skill only prevents you from losing the game when you have 0 cards in your Deck Area.

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